Below are some of the organisations with whom we have worked to train all or some of the staff to be InTER-ACT Facilitators:

We are proud to have partnered with TIC+, an charity based in Gloucestershire, who support around 3000 children, adolescents and young people with mental health struggles every year. TIC+ are exploring the potential of offering the In-TER-ACT programme as the primary intervention for all young people referred to the service. They are hoping the programme may leave some young people confident to continue without further additional support, or else to introduce them to some ideas that they can then explore as part of individual counselling.

We have really enjoyed the opportunity to train all staff in the School-In Reach Team in Cardiff & Vale University Health Board. The School In-Reach team are experienced mental health professionals and therapists who provide supports for students’ mental health and wellbeing in schools in the region.

We were delighted to train up all staff in the Swansea Bay School In-Reach team. The service works with around 275 primary and secondary schools in Swansea Bay with a focus on early intervention and prevention of mental health difficulties.

We enjoyed training a number of staff involved in pastoral care and wellbeing support to become InTER-ACT Facilitators at this unique secondary state boarding school in Dover.
In addition to the partners listed above, we trained teachers and school counsellors from diverse schools across the UK as part of our research trial evaluating the efficacy of the programme.